Edril was awarded estates in the surrounding imperial lands, a hero's send off, and a large amount of gold coins for his retirement wealth. Nobody, however, expected Edril ever to lay his sword to rest. ?He has the blood of a hero,? emperor Carandril used to say, ..... Shissar, Shumpi Wimahnn, Sionachie Heartsinger, Sir Grenic Drere, Sir Halec Hightower, Sir Jevik Isqual, Sir Morgan, Sir Valaron Dushire, Sisters of Erollisi, Skorpikis, Skyfire Mountains, Sleeper's Tomb ...
Ninety percent of the story takes place in the four Disney World parks or hotels (everything is renamed but anybody will recognize what they're reading about). Like I said, it's a little satirical but my love of Disney World shines through. ... Dave Jevik wasn't too happy to hear that his wife had scheduled a family vacation to Snodgrass World Resort with the Zandanels. Loudmouth Vinnie is hard to put up with for an hour, let alone a week. ...
Pogodni su za odmor i osveženje a sa zdravstvenog aspekta pogoduju za popravljanje krvne slike, za nervna oboljenja itd. Ispod borića protiče reka Jablanica, a na ulazu su restoran i lepo uređen bhotel/b. ... Donje Lopiže, Dragojloviće, Draževiće, Družiniće, Dubnica, Duga Poljana, Dujke, Dunišiće, Žabren, Žitniće, Zabrđe, Zaječiće, Zahumsko, bJevik/b, Jezero, Kalipolje, Kamešnica, Kanjevina, Karajukića Bunari, Kijevci, Kladnica, Kneževac, Koznik, Kokošiće, Krajinoviće, Krivaja, ...